24-Hour Emergency Fracture Treatment in Harris County, TX

Bone Fracture Treatment

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A bone fracture is a medical condition where the continuity of the bone in broken. Majority of the percentage of fractures occur because of stress or high force impact. Fractures can also be the result of medical conditions which weaken the structure of the bones: osteoporosis, some cancers, or osteogenesis (brittle bone disease) 

Some interesting facts on bone fractures: 


Most bone fractures are caused by falls and accidents 


Bone fractures caused by disease are referred to as pathological fractures


A compound fracture is one that also causes injury to overlaying skin


There are a number of different types of fractures, including avulsion, comminuted, and hairline fractures


Healing of the bones is a natural process, the treatments around fractures are about giving the bone optimum conditions to heal itself

Types of Bone Fractures:



  • Avulsion fracture – Muscle or ligament pulls on the bone

  • Comminuted fracture – the bone is shattered into many pieces

  • Compression fracture – occurs in the spongy bone in the spine

  • Fracture dislocation – a joint becomes dislocated, and one of the bones in the joint has a fracture

  • Greenstick fracture – the bone fractures partly on one side, but does not break completely because the rest of the bone can bend

  • Hairline fracture – A partial fracture of the bone. This type of fracture is harder to detect with an x-ray. 

  • Impacted fracture – When the bone fractures, a piece of it goes into another bone

  • Intraarticular fracture – Where the break extends into the surface of the joint

  • Longitudinal fracture – The break is along the length of the bone

  • Oblique fracture – A fracture that is diagonal to the bone’s long axis

  • Pathological fracture – An underlying disease weakens the bone to the point where it fractures

  • Spiral fracture – A fracture where one part of the bone has been twisted

  • Stress fracture – When a bone breaks because of repeated stresses and strains

  • Torus (buckle) fracture – Bone deforms but does not crack. 

  • Transverse fracture – A straight break right across the bone


Symptoms of a fracture will vary depending on which bone was affected, also varying on the patients age and general health. However the symptoms of a fracture will include some of the following:

  • Pain

  • Swelling

  • Bruising

  • Discolored skin around affected area

  • Angulation

  • Patient is unable to put weight on the affected area

  • There is no mobility in the affected area

  • The affected joint or bone will have a grating sensation

  • There may be bleeding if it is an open fracture

If a large bone is affected:

  • The person injured may look pale and clammy

  • Dizziness 

  • Feeling sick or Nausea 


Most fractures are caused either by bad fall or an automobile accident. Healthy bones are tougher and more

resilient to impacts, but as people age, 2 factors increase the risk of a fracture: weaker bones, and greater risk

of falling. People with underlying conditions that weaken their bones have a higher risk of fractures.

Osteoporosis, infection, or a tumor can weaken then bones, thus increasing the risk of a fracture, as listed

above, these are known as a pathological fracture. 


Treatments for fractures revolve around giving the fracture the most optimum conditions for it to heal in (immobilization). Bone healing is a natural process which occurs automatically. Fracture treatment is usually aimed at making sure there is the best possible function of the injured part after healing. 


Immobilization – As soon as the bones are aligned, they must stay aligned while they heal. 


Healing – Once the broken bone has been aligned properly and kept immobile, the healing process is straight forward. New bone cells absorb old and damaged bone while new bone cells are created to replace the new bone. 


Physical Therapy – After the bone has been healed, it may be necessary to restore muscle strength as well as mobility to the affected joint. If the fracture occurred near or through a joint, there is a risk of permanent stiffness or arthritis.